Office Space Analytics: Understanding the Millennials

The walls are tumbling down. Due to the increasing presence of Millennials and mobile technology, the days of repetitious, creativity-sucking workplace cubicles are numbered. Corporate executives are responsible for adapting the work environment to suit the generation that reached young adulthood by the year 2000, expected to consume 3 out of 4 jobs by 2025. It is all for the purpose of improved productivity.

Open spaces, comfortable breakout areas and trendy cafés are replacing isolated offices on the far perimeters of buildings with floor to ceiling walls blocking out the natural light. Why?

The last 5 decades have seen a revolution in the attitudes of workers toward their positions within a company. The “cubicle” mentality employee performed his or her job in fearful obedience, but with thought leaders such as Google appearing on the corporate scene, workers are rewarded for team collaboration and for unleashing their creative minds.

The Baby Boomer generation was just the beginning of the trend to a laid back, yet ambitious group of “up and comings” in the corporate world. Millennials are highly productive in socially conducive spaces with mobile technology at hand. They are collaborators rather than seekers of privacy.

What does this mean for your office real estate? It necessitates implementing design changes that support your work force productivity and it does not involve guesswork. Office space analytics provide the necessary data to strategize a setting that ushers your company into the new era.

At Netclearance, we partner with you in collecting the statistics that define where and how to adapt your office space to increase the efficiency of your work force.